India Australia Industry Report 2019 by Tat Capital: TatXpo2019

27.08.19 01:19 PM By Tat-Support

We would like to dedicate this ‘India Australia Industry Report’ to our beloved Guru: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. As founders of Tat Capital, we are here today only because of His blessings and guidance throughout our life, as instruments in the divine play that continues to roll-out.

Since our humble beginning in 2012 -- when we started focusing on the Australia India regional strategy -- the market view has certainly started to take a turn towards the right direction! The growing outlook that “there is no market over the next 20 years which offers more growth opportunities for Australian businesses than India”, is consistent with our 30 year business plan that we set out to achieve, which has now become clearly evident...
